1. Classify industries on the basis of raw materials used, their size and ownership with examples.
2. Explain the factors which influence the location of industries.
3. Describe the growth and development of the cotton textile industry in India.
4. Write a short note on the information technology industry.
5. Why are iron and steel important for the growth and development of modern civilization?
Hello User
1) Industries can be classified on the basis of raw materials, size and ownership. ... Marine based industries use products from the sea and oceans as raw materials. Industries processing sea food or manufacturing fish oil are some .
2) Factors that influence where an industry locates include:
Factors that influence where an industry locates include:power supply.
Factors that influence where an industry locates include:power supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.
Factors that influence where an industry locates include:power supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.labour supply - including workers with the right skills.
3) At present, cotton textile industry is largest organised modem industry of India. There has been a phenomenal growth of this industry during the last four decades. About 16 per cent of the industrial capital and over 20 per cent of the industrial labour of the country is engaged in this industry.
4) Information technology industry deals in the storage, processing and distribution of information. Today, it has become global. This is due to a series of technological, political, and socio-economic events. The major hubs of IT industry are the Silicon Valley, California, and Bangalore, India.
5) Iron and steel are important for the development of modern civilization because most of the things in our surroundings is made from either iron or steel whether its a small safety pin or a huge railway track, everywhere we could easily sort iron or steel metals.