1. Complete the following: 1. Minhaj-us-Siraj used the term 'Hindustan to refer the areas of Punjab, Haryana and ends between the changa anal yamuna 2. Amir Khusrau described Mabari as the language of 3. In early medieval period, manuscripts were copied by 4. Early medieval period saw worship of new 5. The 'Persian wheel' was used in 6. Tarikh-i-FiruzShahi, a major work on medieval India was written by IL Match the following:
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"The correct answers are as follows:
1. Minhaj-us-Siraj used the term 'Hindustan to refer the areas of Punjab, Haryana and ends between the changa anal yamuna
2. Amir Khusrau described Mabari as the language of Tamil Nadu
3. In the early medieval period, manuscripts were copied by hands
4. Early medieval period saw worship of new deities
5. The 'Persian wheel' was used in irrigation
6. Tarikh-i-FiruzShahi, a major work on medieval India was written by Zia uddin Barani
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