English, asked by bavanab157, 3 months ago

1. Convert the following sentences as directed:
1. I was late owing to the fog. (into Complex )
2. You must start early to catch the first bus. ( into Compound)
3. The boy proved that he was innocent. (into Simple )
4. On seeing the leader, the people cheered. (into Compound)
5. Since there is some problem in the printer, we have to go out for pris
6. He learned French in order to go to France. ( into Complex )
7. She not only cleaned the house but also cooked. ( into Simple )
8. I don't have money to buy an expensive car. (into Compound
9. He has a beautiful garden and it is out of the city. (into Simple )
10. Despite his illness, he participated in the programme. (into Comp
11. Answer the following:
1) Spot the Error:​


Answered by padmarana



Answered by niivi


1. it was late when I was owing to the fog.

2. start early or you'll miss the bus.

3. the boy proved his innocence.

4. the people saw the leader and they cheered.

5. you haven't told how to change it

6. he learned french as he wanted to go to France.

7. beside cleaning the house she cooked.

8. I can't buy expensive car because I don't have money.

9. he has a beautiful garden out of city.

10. he was ill but he participated in the programme.

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