English, asked by mailudaybhati, 1 year ago

1.Covid 19
2.Virtual Learning -the most feasible solution in Corona Era
3.Pandemic- Strengthening Family Bonding.
4. Coronavirus-Paving way to technology
[5:07 PM, 5/2/2020] +91 88008 81609: 1. Tentacles of Covid19 suffocating the 21-century Modern world

2. Nature’s fury or Human Folly - Covid19

pls write an article on any of

3. Covid-19
Suffocating, strangulation and demeaning human civilisation

4. Covid-19 threatening Human Race

5. Covid19 asphyxiating the World

6. Locking, Blocking and Sanitizing Covid 19

7. Human Will Verses Covid-19

8. Overpowering and Overcoming Covid-19

9. We are the prey of the current Pandemic
Let us devour it

10. Creepy Pandemic crawls as a resilient world opposes it.
[5:07 PM, 5/2/2020] +91 88008 81609: 1. Covid-19 Eroding 21st Century Economy
2. Covid 19 halts the March of the most modern era of human civilisation
3. Void-19 A biological threat to the world
4. Super pandemic gives rise to the unarmed Super Heroes
5. Biohazard no more a mere sign-it is threatening
6. Pandemic Pandemonium- Covid-19
7. Pandemic 2020 the new Pandora Box
8. Coins-19 unites the world as never before but in Grief
9. Grief Stricken- Home Locked- world on crutches - marches along- This is Covid -19 Era

pls write an article on any topic given above word limit is 400

it is urgent


Answered by prasoonjha18


COVID-19 is a dreadful disease caused by the Novel Corona Virus 2019. The full form of the virus is Corona Virus Disease 2019. Corona virus is a family of viruses which are known for infecting animals but some of them also infect humans. The Novel Corona Virus is the seventh Corona virus of the history to infect humans. The other corona to infect humans in the past are SARS Corona Virus and MERS Corona Virus. The previous strains of Corona haven't done such harm like this novel one. It is called Corona because it has some bulging structures which resemble Crown .

The Novel Corona was first seen in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The symptoms of this disease are severe fever , cold and respiratory problems as this is just a respiratory syndrome. The problem with this disease is that we don't know it's cure and moreover it is spreading so rapidly. The thing that is most notable is that more advanced and wealthy countries are badly affected by the virus. The reason is that people tend to live in more rich and better places and more the population the worst affected it is.

The good thing is that if people don't come out rate of transmission decrease and that's what most countries are trying to do. Even this is creating panic among the american European countries and their enmity against China has gone above the sky. So, we can say that COVID-19 is the worst thing of the last 100 years.

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