Computer Science, asked by 6397668321harsh, 2 months ago

1. Create a database named 'School and design a table in it containing the following field Field Name Data Type Description S. No. Number Book Name Text Author Name Text Accession No. Number Issued to Text Date of Issuing Number Data of Return Number Now follow these steps to create the table in Design View. a. Type the appropriate description for each field and save the table as 'Library' b. Open the table 'Library' in Design View. c. Position the cursor in the field S. No. and set it the Primary key. d. Enter the record for each field by positioning the cursor in each cell, e. After completing the record entries, press Ctrl + S to save the table. f. Click [x] to close the Table design window. hose named 'Customer' in MS-Access and design two tables in its​


Answered by omsuryawanshi1998


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