Social Sciences, asked by swatisweety400, 1 year ago

1) Define forced recruitment.
2) When was the Rowlatt Act proposed?
3) Who was in incharge during the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?
4) Name the three places where Gandhiji organised Satyagraha after
returning to India?
5) Along with whom did Gandhiji launched the Khilafat movement?
6) Name the book written by Mahatma Gandhi.
7) When was the Khilafat committee formed?
8) Khadi cloth was expensive than the mass produced ___________
9) Define begar.
10) Which party participated in the Council elections?
11) Name the province where the Council election took place?
12) what did the peasants of awadh under theleadership of ramachandra
demand for?
13) ________Organised by Panchayat to deprive and lots of the services of
barbers and washerman
14) under what Act was the plantation workers not permitted to leave the
tea garden without permission?
15) Who formed the Swaraj Party and why?
16) Statutory Commission was formed under ___________
17) When did Simon Commission arrived to India_________
18) The Simon Commission was greeted with slogan ___________
19) The radicals within the Congress was led by by _______ and ______
20) Lord Irwin announced vague offer of ______ to india.
21) When did Lahore congress session happen ________
22) Under whose Presidency did Lahore congress session happen
23) In the congress session -_________ was formalised
24) The Dandi march was from _________ to ________ .
25) On reaching Dandi Gandhi violated the _______ by ___________.
26) During civil disobedience movement people were asked not only to
refuse Cooperation but also _________.
27) During the civil disobedience movement persons refuse to pay revenue
and _________ taxes.
28) In Gandhi Irwin pact Gandhiji consented to participate in ___________ .
29) On returning back from the Round table conference Gandhiji found
that -
____________ was declared illegal.
30) When was the civil disobedience movement called off and restarted ?
31) The Congress was unwilling to to support ________ campaign worrying
that might upset the rich peasants and landlords.
32) Name the association formed by the business class along with the
33) Name few prominent Industrialist who supported the civil
34) in 1930 thousands of workers of _______ mines participated in protest
and boycott campaigns.
35) The congress for a long time have ignored the dalits , fearing to
offend _______
36) What was Ambedkar's demand to Gandhiji at the second round table
37) What was the significance of the Poona pact of September 1932 ?
38) ___________one of the leaders of muslim league was willing to give up
the demand for separate electorates if the Muslims were assured
reserved seats in the central assembly.
39) The first image of Bharat Mata was created by ___________
40) Rabindranath Tagore painted his famous image of ________
41) In Bengal ___________ himself began collecting nursery rhymes ballads
and myths and led the movement for folk Revival.
42) Name the person who published a mass four volume collection of
folk Tales in Madras.
43) Name the bordering countries of Belgium.
44) Name the majority and minority community of Belgium
45) Name the two major social groups of Sri Lanka
46) Who are the Indian Tamils?
47) When did Sri Lanka get independence?
48) Name the capital of Belgium what is civil war
49) how many times was the Belgian constitution amended to
accommodate the
different groups?
50) What is a Federal government?
51) What is coalition government? Which one of the following was not a
demand of Sri Lankan Tamils
a) Reservation of seats in Parliament
b)Equality of opportunity in jobs
c)Regional autonomy
d)recognition of Tamil as official language
52) Reservation to weaker section and community government or
example of
a) Power may be shared among different social groups
b) Power sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way political
parties pressure groups and movements
c) power is shared among different organs of the government
53) Name the most vibrant minority social group in Sri Lanka
a) Sinhala b) tamils c) buddhist d)christians
54) ____________ economic activity in India .
55) _________ is practised on small patchs of land.
56) Name some tools used in primitive subsistence farming
57) Factors on which primitive subsistence farming depends.
58) Write three main characteristic of commercial farming
which farming is practised in areas of high population pressure on land
59) ____________ has led to uneconomical land size.
60) Primitive subsistence farming is called as ___________ in eastern states.


Answered by tejaswi77


1: British forcing Indians to join the army


3: Michael.O.Dyer

4: Mumbai, Delhi, Gujrat ( I'm not sure)

5: gandiji didn't launched it it was Ali brothers

6: my experiment with truth


im done mark as brainiest if you like to

thank you

Answered by sonishaivali01


1. Forced recruitment is a process by which the colonial state forced people to join the army. The British government in India resorted to it at the time of the First World War in order to boost the number of soldiers fighting from its side.

2. March 1919

3. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April 1919, when Acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered troops of the British Indian Army to fire their rifles into a crowd of unarmed Indian civilians in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab, killing at least 400 people and over ...

4. They organised in Champaran district which is situated in Bihar. They also starts this movement in Kheda district of Gujarat. And last they also arrive in the Ahmadabad which are in Gujarat .

5. Shaukat Ali, Mohammad Ali Jauhar, Hakim Ajmal Khan, and Abul Kalam Azad .

6. Hind Swaraj

7.March 1919

8. mill cloth

9. The term “begar” means forced labour. Usually the worker is forced to do work with free of cost.

10. Indian National Congress

Hope it will help you

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