Economy, asked by mantralal68380, 7 months ago

1. Define multiple cropping system. 2. What is the difference between multiple cropping systems and modern farming methods? 3. How is land distributed amongst the farmers of Palampur? Explain 4. What is physical capital? Mention its type. 5. How did spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur? Explain the three negative impacts of the Green Revolution. 6. Mention the modern method of farming and explain their drawbacks. 7. Ask your grandparents about the traditional methods of farming and their drawbacks.


Answered by Anonymous


In agriculture, multiple cropping or multicropping is the practice of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land during one growing season instead of just one crop. It is a form of polyculture

Answered by Sneha13122006


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In agriculture, multiple cropping or multicropping is the practice of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land during one growing season instead of just one crop.


Multiple Cropping:

It is a traditional method of farming.

It includes growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the same year.

This method involves using of traditional seeds that requires less irrigation, wooden tools and equipments, ancient machinery, etc.

Thus, the productivity of this method tends to remain low.

Modern Farming:

It is a modern method of farming.

It includes growing of one crop on a single piece of land at one point of time.

This method involves using of high yield varieties (HVY) of seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in large quantities, modern machinery, etc.

Thus, the productivity of this method is high, however, it is not environment friendly.

Modern farming methods, for the most part, utilize vast amounts of pesticides and fertilizers, which are intended to amplify crop generation seasons and rid crops of creepy insects and worms. Nonetheless, these substances contain numerous manufactured mixes, which hurt plants and creatures when they enter encompassing situations.

Notwithstanding adding poisons to water, soil, and air, present day farming practices can bring about soil unsettling influence by utilizing overwhelming machines and working hardware. This, thus, makes soil erosion and degrades the nature of encompassing farmland.

types of heading

aerial: Crops

Pastoral: Animals

Mixed: Crops and animals

Subsistence: Grown just for the farmer and his family

Commercial: Grown to sell

Intensive: High inputs of labour or capital ususally small

Extensive: Low inputs of labour or capital

Sedentary: Permanently in in one place

Nomadic: The farmers move around to find new areas to farm

Farming System

Farms are systems with inputs, processes and outputs

Inputs: Money, labour, soil, climate, drainage, fertiliser, fuel

Processes: Planting, ploughing, spraying, harvesting, shearing, milking

Outputs: Milk, cereals, eggs, wool, meat, hay, waste material

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