Social Sciences, asked by behuman123456, 1 year ago

1.democracy enhance the dignity of the citizens. do you agree? give reasons
3. Who were called the 'November Criminals'?
4. Give any one significant role of the French philosophers in the outbreak of the Revolution.
5. What debt did France incur due to her involvement in the American War of Independence?
6. When and between whom was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
7. What were the provisions and significance of the Fire Decree?
8. Name the three main social classes of 18th century France.
9. What were the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobility?
10. Name the special tax levied on peasants.
11. Why is it not possible for the people to rule directly but through elected representatives?
12. What is the role of citizen in promoting democracy?
13. Explain any three features of democracy
14. Give two steps taken by the Weimar Republic in 1923, to acquire political stability in Germany
15. Who were the signatories of the 1940 Tripartite Pact                                          
please say the answer fast


Answered by 842abhinavkumar
1. Yes, I completely agree due to following Reasons -
i. All people have the same right to vote, regardless of their ethnic or cultural origin, economic or educational level.
ii. All people are considered valuable for the decision-making process.
iii. All people have the opportunity to apply for public office. Democracy is a form of political system in which the sovereignty of the citizens of electing their governors is defended.

3. Members of Waimer Republic were called November Criminals

4. Their major role was Ideas envisaging a society based on freedom and equal laws and opportunities for all.

5.The French treasury was already drained out in the reign of Louis XVI in 1774 due to wars and maintenance of the ornate court at the palace of Versailles.In addition to this, France assisted the thirteen American colonies to get independence from Britain.This increased the debt to another one billion livres. Hence the moneylenders started charging a higher rate of interest of upto 10 per cent.This made the French government to spend further on interest payments alone.Thus in order to meet the recurring expenses, the state was obliged to increase taxes.The French society was divided into three estates and only the third estate members were required to pay taxes.

6.  It was signed on 28 June 1919 between Germany and the Allied Powers.

8. The nobility, The clergy and The third estate.

9. Some privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobility are:

• They are not liable to pay taxes to the government.

• Third estate or the peasants provide services to them.

• They collect tax and levies from the third estate parties that is, the peasants for tithes.

10. Tithes was the special tax levied by the church on peasants.

11. It is not possible for people to rule directly but through their elected representatives because:

a. Owing to large territory and large population in countries it is not possible for people to assemble together and make policies for themselves as the case in direct democracy, hence countries opt for a representative form of government where representatives from parties are to be chosen by the people.

b. A highly diverse, large and complex societies need a medium by means of representatives that would establish a link between the government and people. Representation of diverse interests would be difficult in a direct democracy as it would lead to more of a conflict and chaos.

c. If all people are involved in the decision making , it would be difficult to reach at a consensus.Hence, indirect form with less number of people or representatives who are involved in discussion and deliberation can easily bring about reconciliation of diverse interests.

d. If people rule themselves, it would make system more chaotic as would invariably transform into a mob rule.
e. There is also a possibility of majority section undermining the interests of the minorities and not representating them rather suppressing them. 

12. The main role of citizens is to vote 
they participate in the desicion making of the country they can satnd and compete in elections they can form their own ploitical party if they are opposing something they can start a movement citizens have to work for the devlopment of the democracies because the democracy is for the people by the people and from the people.

13. Three main features of democracy are:
• the final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people.
• a democracy must be based on free and fair elections where those in power have a fair chance of losing.
• each adult must have one vote and each vote must have one value

14. Two steps taken by the Weimar Republic in 1923 to acquire political stability in Germany are:

i. It introduced a new currency called Rentenmark.

ii. It took up negotiation between Germany and the Allies for payment of separation dues and thus the French Army withdrew from the Ruhr region.

15. The Tripartite Pact, also known as the Berlin Pact, was an agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan signed in Berlin on 27 September 1940 by, respectively, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Galeazzo Ciano and Saburō Kurusu.

842abhinavkumar: Answers are updated
behuman123456: thanks
842abhinavkumar: you are welcome. No one other than me will ever answer these question for 5 Points
842abhinavkumar: i have not answer no. 7 question
842abhinavkumar: please post separate question for its Answer
behuman123456: will you write
842abhinavkumar: no
842abhinavkumar: i don't have any good answer for that question
842abhinavkumar: i am sorry for that
behuman123456: thanks for the answers
Answered by GhaintKudi45
\mathbb{\huge{\pink{ HEYA\:MATE! }}}

\mathfrak{\blue{ HERE\:IS\:YOUR\:ANSWER\:}}


<b>【1】 Yes democracy enhances dignity of citizens as it offers chances to everyone's choice. Democracy needs active participation of citizens and people are the one who elect their rulers.

<b>【3】All the members and supporters of Weimar republic were called November criminals.

<b>【4】Montesquieu believed in democratic principle of ruling. He believed that there must be a social contract between rulers and the ruled. Governed should decide who would govern them.

<b>【5】The war added more than a billion livres to the French debt.

<b>【6】Treaty of Versailles was signed between Germany and Allied powers (France, Italy, USA) on 29 June 1919

<b>【7】Fire Decree suspended civil rights like freedom of speech, press, and assembly as guaranteed by Weimar constitution

<b>【8】Three main social classes were 1st estate (Clergy), 2nd estate (nobility) and 3rd estate( Peasants, businessman, lawyer, doctors etc.)

<b>【9】Clergy and Nobility owned most of the French land. They were exempted from paying taxes and enjoyed several birthday and feudal privileges.

<b>【10】Tithes was special taxed levied by Clergy and nobility on 3rd estate

&lt;b&gt;【11】It is so because in this way, there are chances that interest of minorities are undermined.<br />&lt;br&gt;Also, it would make system more chaotic as it would be turned into mob rule.&lt;/br&gt;<br />&lt;br&gt;If more people are involved in decision making, it would be merely impossible to reach at consequences&lt;/br&gt;

&lt;b&gt;【12】 Citizens are the one who choose democratic rulers. Their involvement make democracy run and citizens help build democracy building democracy as democracy is all based upon the ruled ones.

&lt;b&gt;【13】Main features of democracy -<br />&lt;br&gt;It must stand upon people's choices&lt;/br&gt; <br />&lt;br&gt;It must be based on free and fair elections where currently in power have fair chances of loosing&lt;/br&gt;<br />&lt;br&gt;In a democracy, each adult must have one vote and one vote must have one value.&lt;/br&gt;

&lt;b&gt;【14】It took up negotiations between Germany and France and Allied for payment of separation dues.<br />&lt;br&gt;It introduced a new currency called rentermark&lt;/br&gt;

&lt;b&gt;【15】Joachim von Ribbentrop, Galeazzo Ciano and Saburo Kurusu were sigitanories of 1940 Tripartite act.


\mathbb{\huge{\green{ HOPE\:HELPED!}}}

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