English, asked by Shaikhmainuddin105, 9 months ago

1. Develop a dialogue between you and the famous
Sports women (Marry kom)​


Answered by AadilPradhan

Me: Hi madam, I am great fan of yours and follow all your matches without fail.

Marry Kom: Thank you and so nice of you

Me: Can I have your autograph please

Marry kom: Sure you can.

Me: Madam, What is the secret behind your success

Merry kom: Hard work and sincerity.

Me: Madam, I have listened about your charity trusts are they true.

Merry kom: yes, true they are maintained by my family members.

Me: Madam, how do you feel when you bring cups to our country

Merry kom: very proud and happy.

Me: thank you so much for the opportunity

Merry kom: Me too feel the same.

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