English, asked by rahulroy2, 1 year ago

1 .Develop the following hints into meaningful sentences and frame them into a paragraph.
Patient – ankylosing spondylitis – positive HLA-B27 – he has no severe back pain – arthritic pain – finger – ankle – not able – touch – ankles – swelling – ankle – day before – travelling – long distance – on medicines – well controlled – asked to – follow up – one month earlier - symtoms worsens – continue – medicines.

rahulroy2: delete plz


Answered by TaherK
patient suffering from ankylosing spondylitis with positive HILA-B27 has no severe back pain but has arthritic pain in his fingers and ankle due to which he is not able to touch his ankles. the swelling in the ankles the day before travelling for a long distance was well controlled using medicines and the patient was asked to follow up a month later and if the symptoms worsened the patient was asked to continue to take the prescribed medicines.
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