1) difference between coming together and holding together.<br /><br />2) what are the points of Indian federal system in practice?<br /><br />Plz give detailed answers.<br />don't Give useless
(i) Coming together federations are formed when independent states come together to form a biggerstate and holding together federations are formed when a large independent region decide to divide itself into sub-units
(ii) in coming together, all states governments have equal powers but in holding together this may not be the case.
(iii) examples of coming together: U.S.A. , Swtzerland , and Australia
examples of holding together: India , Spain , and Belgium.
(i) there are two or more levels of government.
(ii) each level of government has its own jurisdiction in matters of legislation , taxation and administration even though they govern the same citizens.
(iii) power and functions of each tier of government is specified and guaranteed by the constitution.
umm sry I don't know the answer