1. Distinguish between-Infectious and non- infectious diseases.
2. Identify the odd term.
a. Malaria, hepatitis, elephantiasis, dengue.
b. Plague, AIDS, cholera, T.B.
3. Answer in one to two sentences.
a. Which are various media of spreading the infectious diseases?
b. Give the names of five non-infectious diseases other than given in the lesson.
c. Which are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases?
4. What can be achieved/can be prevented?
a. Drinking boiled and filtered water.
b. Avoiding smoking and alcoholism.
c. Regular balanced diet and exercise.
d. Proper checking of blood before blood donation.
5. Read the passage and answer the questions. Master 'X' is a 3 year old child. He is living with his family in a slum. Public toilet is present near his house. His father is drunkard. His mother does not know the importance of balanced diet.
a. Master 'X' can suffer from which different possible diseases in above conditions?
b. How will you help him and his family in this situation?
c. Which disease can occur to the father of master 'X'?
6. Give the preventive measures of following diseases.
a. Dengue.
b. Cancer.
c. AIDS.
7. Explain the importance.
a. Balanced diet.
b. Physical exercise / Yogasanas.
8. Make a list.
a. Viral diseases.
b. Bacterial diseases.
c. Diseases spread through insects.
d. Hereditary diseases.
9. Write the information modern diagnostics and treatments of cancer.
10. Enlist the names and composition of the medicines present at your home.
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