1. Do smartphones also get infected by virus? Find out about the first virus that infected a mobile phone
Answer:The correct answer is Cabir.
Cabir was sent to security software firms Kapersky Lab of Russia and Symantec of the US by a member of '29a', a group of underground virus writers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The worm is designed to work in smartphones running on Symbian and Series 60 software. This software is used to power millions of Nokia phones, such as the popular 6600 model. The worm is not regarded as dangerous because even if it spreads it carries no code that destroys files or executes other damaging operations. The virus attempts to jump from phone to phone by using the handset's wireless short-range Bluetooth connection. It scans the environment for other Bluetooth-enabled devices. Once it has found one, it sends itself disguised as a security file. The file must be accepted by the mobile phone owner and then installed before it can propagate.