1. Do we come across persons like Lutkins only in fiction or do we encounter them in real life as well? You can give examples from fiction, or narrate an incident that you have read in the newspaper,
or an incident from real life.
Answer: Persons like Lutkins are found in real life as well.
Do we come across persons like Lutkins only in fiction or do we
encounter them in real life as well? You can give examples from
fiction, or narrate an incident that you have read in the newspaper,
or an incident from real life.
Persons like Lutkins are found in real life as well. They do not just appear in stories. They are very much real. Newspapers are full of reports of such tricksters. There is this famous con man in ‘David Copperfield’ written by Charles Dickens. His name is Uriah Heep. He traps a gullible, rich old man. The old man depends on him entirely. He takes advantage of his trust and takes all his money. He makes the old man an addict to alcohol. Then he forces the old man to marry his daughter to him.