1) Do you think that the quantity of water for the three categories of plants will very with change in seasons? If yes, when will it increase or decrease? ( In 50 words)
2) Do you think wastage of water occur while you water your plants? If yes how?(50 words) *
3)Do you think excess amount of used while watering the plants? If yes why do you think so?( 50 words) *
4) In which ways wastage of water occurs when people water the plants?(50 words)
5) Suggest ways to minimise the wastage of water while watering the plants.(50 words) *
answer below
If water is so important to plant growth and survival, then why would plants waste so much of it? The answer to this question lies in another process vital to plants — photosynthesis. To make sugars, plants must absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through small pores in their leaves called stomata (Figure 1). However, when stomata open, water is lost to the atmosphere at a prolific rate relative to the small amount of CO2 absorbed; across plant species an average of 400 water molecules are lost for each CO2 molecule gained. The balance between transpiration and photosynthesis forms an essential compromise in the existence of plants; stomata must remain open to build sugars but risk dehydration in the process.
Rendering of an open stoma on the surface of a tobacco leaf.
Figure 1: Rendering of an open stoma on the surface of a tobacco leaf.
Stomata are pores found on the leaf surface that regulate the exchange of gases between the leaf's interior and the atmosphere. Stomatal closure is a natural response to darkness or drought as a means of conserving water.
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From the Soil into the Plant
Essentially all of the water used by land plants is absorbed from the soil by roots. A root system consists of a complex network of individual roots that vary in age along their length. Roots grow from their tips and initially produce thin and non-woody fine roots. Fine roots are the most permeable portion of a root system, and are thought to have the greatest ability to absorb water, particularly in herbaceous (i.e., non-woody) plants (McCully 1999). Fine roots can be covered by root hairs that significantly increase the absorptive surface area and improve contact between roots and the soil (Figure 2). Some plants also improve water uptake by establishing symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi, which functionally increase the total absorptive surface area of the root system.
Root hairs often form on fine roots and improve water absorption by increasing root surface area and by improving contact with the soil.
Figure 2: Root hairs often form on fine roots and improve water absorption by increasing root surface area and by improving contact with the soil.
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Roots of woody plants form bark as they age, much like the trunks of large trees. While bark formation decreases the permeability of older roots they can still absorb considerable amounts of water (MacFall et al. 1990, Chung & Kramer 1975). This is important for trees and shrubs since woody roots can constitute ~99% of the root surface in some forests (Kramer & Bullock 1966).
Roots have the amazing ability to grow away from dry sites toward wetter patches in the soil — a phenomenon called hydrotropism. Positive hydrotropism occurs when cell elongation is inhibited on the humid side of a root, while elongation on the dry side is unaffected or slightly stimulated resulting in a curvature of the root and growth toward a moist patch (Takahashi 1994). The root cap is most likely the site of hydrosensing; while the exact mechanism of hydrotropism is not known, recent work with the plant model Arabidopsis has shed some light on the mechanism at the molecular level (see Eapen et al. 2005 for more details).
Roots of many woody species have the ability to grow extensively to explore large volumes of soil. Deep roots (>5 m) are found in most environments (Canadell et al. 1996, Schenk & Jackson 2002) allowing plants to access water from permanent water sources at substantial depth (Figure 3). Roots from the Shepard's tree (Boscia albitrunca) have been found growing at depths 68 m in the central Kalahari, while those of other woody species can spread laterally up to 50 m on one side of the plant (Schenk & Jackson 2002). Surprisingly, most arid-land plants have very shallow root systems, and the deepest roots consistently occur in climates with strong seasonal precipitation (i.e., Mediterranean and monsoonal climates).