English, asked by shaikhamina628, 7 months ago

(1) Drafting a Virtual Message :
Mr Desai, the secretary of your housing complex called on the
intercom to speak to your father. Your father was not at home.
Mr Desai told you to convey to your father the following: a meeting
- Saturday, 11 a.m. in Clubhouse - about Independence Day
celebrations in your complex – also about tree pruning - car parking.
Draft a message to convey this in about 50 words.​


Answered by criskristabel

Since the question says message writing 'of' the father, I am assuming that the message is from the father to the daughter. The question is vague since the messages can be of different types, like e-mails, text messages, letter, or telegram. Assuming that this is a letter, I am giving the answer.

                                                                                           13 January 2018,


Dear ABC,  

I have been caught up in an urgent meeting with the CEO of the company and with some important clients on the day of your convocation. Although I know that it is important for me to attend the function as it will be a great memory, I actually cannot give up on this meeting too as it is very important and it will be for a million-dollar deal. I will be travelling a lot and so will not be in the city too.

I hope you understand the importance and excuse me this time. We will celebrate when you come back and when even I will come back after the meeting and trips.

Your's lovingly,


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