Social Sciences, asked by zo0h8rmeeniSh, 1 year ago

1)Evaluate the working of democracy in india? 2)What are the factors sustaining democracy in india?


Answered by ChitranshDevliyal
What is democracy?
democracy has been derived for two words"demos" meaning public and "cratos" meaning rule... so as the name suggests it means "rule of the people"
in India we have democracy
owing to which .....we directly or indirectly take part in election at all levels may be a local MLA or a PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC OF INDIA ....this is only due to democracy ......
we enjoy a right to vote... under UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE this is due to democracy.
We can express our thoughts and ask to redress our grievances ....that's democracy..... and many other reasons play into it.....but o feel this much will satisfy you..... some probable factors would be
1) opposition in Parliament
2)Independence of press
3) formation of better public opinion about government's decision
Answered by MrPerfect0007
1) Working of democracy in India:

Democracy in India is working within the parameters of parliamentary form of government.It is the largest democracy in the world. It has a trajectory form one party dominance to a multi party system. During this span it has been eclipsed by emergency situation when rights of the people were clamped and democracy threatened. This moulded the form of democracy in India, gave rise to nepotism but also to judicial activism. Media has evolved to be the fourth estate in democracy.

Various factors helped India to keep alive the democracy. Independent India retained the last heroes to lead India. Majority Indians had faith In Mahatma Gandhi. Regional leaders held on to that faith. People in general did not bother about ideologies. Yet constitution of India also laid a revolutionary change/foundation in the ruling system which gave common people the importance to play a role in choosing their leaders who cared for them too.China and Pakistan were also a major factor. Ruthless Chinese Mao revolution was too much for Indians to accept other ideologies. Pakistan’s wars on India made Indians to stick together for long. Congress party was also a force that prevented other ideologies. US,UK propaganda against communism instilled fear in the minds of literates to accept communism.If Chinese were fair and friendly with India there was chances of communism holding the pitch. But Chinese were aggressive and projecting a cunning image. There were other movements which tried to combine communism and democracy which had failed as there was no national leaders. Above all Indians were always under pressure to keep a life that provides food,shelter and freedom. And Indian defense forces were really loyal to elected governments. They could keep away all other forces which were trying to topple the electoral systems. People were innocent and peaceful. Now we have no other go than protecting the existing system for there is no time for any one to change anything.
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