English, asked by mundesattya, 11 months ago

1. Every positive integer is greater than negative
-Zero is less than every positive integer.
3. Zero is greater than every negative integer.
The greater the number, the lesser is its opposite 2
If and bare turo integers so that a>, ther-a<- b.
Thus 5 > 3 = -5<-3: 8-9-89
Likewise, if ach then->- Thus-
An amow on a number line can be used to show a change. If the arrow points to
EL I. Replace each by or to make the statement true.
Showing Change
an increase. If it points to the left, it shows a decrease.
(ii) -3* 0
(vi) -2532-523
Sol We can make the replacement by visualising the given numbers on a num
(v) -13 13​


Answered by Mastermind789


sorry dude

didnt understand

tbh.....i am so lazy to read so plzz mark  me s the brainliest


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