India Languages, asked by bkgupta59, 6 months ago

(1) Every single mistake is a blessing in disguise... there are
within every mistake:
(2) Children make many mistakes while learning how to ride a bike or write, and we don't give
It a second thought because we know that through their mistakes they will learn and
eventually master what they're trying to do. So why it is that adults are so hard on themselves?
We all make mistakes, and if we didn't make them, we'd never learn anything and we wouldn't
grow any smart nor wiser. We have the freedom to make our own choices, and the freedom to
make mistakes. Mistakes can hurt, but if we don't learn from the mistake, we've made, the
pain we've suffered from it has been for nothing by the law of attraction, we will make the
same mistake over and over again, until the consequences hurt so much that we finally learn
from it! It is the very reason why mistakes hurt, so that we do learn from them and do not
make them repeatedly.
(3)To learn from a mistake, we first have to own it, and this is where many people can come
undone because they often blame someone else for their mistake.
(4) Let's consider the scenario of being pulled over by the police for speeding and being given a
speeding ticket. Instead of taking responsibility for speeding we blame the police because we
were caught unaware. But the mistake was ours as we chose to speed.
(5) So, how do we learn from our mistakes? Gratitudel No matter how bad something may
seem, there are always many things to be grateful for when you look for as many things as
you can to be grateful for in a mistake, you magically transform the mistake into a blessing,
and blessings attract more blessings.
6) Today think of a mistake and let it be a lesson learnt. Let it be a blessing. Look for the
things to be grateful for. Ask yourself what you have learnt from this mistake. Every blessing
you find has magical power. So, get ready to write out your list in a gratitude Journal or type
them on a computer.
2.1. On the basis of your understanding the passage, answer the following questions: 2x4=8]
(a) According to the author what is hidden in a mistake? What would happen If we did not
make mistakes?
(b) How are children different from adults with respect to mistakes?
(c) How can we gain from a mistake that hurts?
(d) What do we need to do to learn from our mistakes?
2.2. On the basis of your reading, choose the appropriate option from the following:
(The synonym of the word 'finally' as given in paragraph 2 is
b) eventually
c) attraction


Answered by mallipatisreenu1234


attraction! thanks you

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