Social Sciences, asked by geesmaro, 6 months ago



Answered by samriddhi9547


Sociology is the study of human behavior. Sociology refers to social behavior, society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture that surrounds everyday life.[1][2][3] It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis[4]:3–5 to develop a body of knowledge about social order and social change.[4]:32–40 Sociology can also be defined as the general science of society. While some sociologists conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter can range from micro-level analyses of society (i.e., of individual interaction and agency) to macro-level analyses (i.e., of systems and the social structure).[5]

Traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, gender, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to other subjects and institutions, such as health and the institution of medicine; economy; military; punishment and systems of control; the Internet; education; social capital; and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.

The range of social scientific methods has also expanded, as social researchers draw upon a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques. The linguistic and cultural turns of the mid-20th century, especially, have led to increasingly interpretative, hermeneutic, and philosophic approaches towards the analysis of society. Conversely, the turn of the 21st century has seen the rise of new analytically, mathematically, and computationally rigorous techniques, such as agent-based modelling and social network analysis.[6][7]

Social research has influence throughout various industries and sectors of life, such as among politicians, policy makers, and legislators; educators; planners; administrators; developers; business magnates and managers; social workers; non-governmental organizations; and non-profit organizations, as well as individuals interested in resolving social issues in general. As such, there is often a great deal of crossover between social research, market research, and other statistical fields.[8]

Answered by Anonymous



ANS1:*Sociology refers to social behavior, society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture that surrounds everyday life. ... Traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, gender, and deviance

The Sociology Program prepares one for a lifetime of change by developing one's appreciation of diversity, love of learning, writing and study skills, and knowledge base about human behavior, social organization, culture, and social change.

Career Opportunities

The US Department of Labor forecasts that people entering the job market today will change careers several times over the course of their work life. Studying sociology does more than just prepare students for a narrow specialty; rather, it helps individuals to be ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of our increasingly diverse and complex society.

A degree in sociology is an excellent springboard for entering the world of business, industry, and organizations. Career opportunities for students completing the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in sociology include employment in local, state, and federal social and community service agencies, such as housing agencies, juvenile courts and juvenile and adult correctional institutions, urban and community planning agencies, mental health and drug counseling centers, youth guidance agencies, and community organizations. In short, the career opportunities available to those with a sociology degree are numerous and diverse.

The BS degree in sociology also provides excellent preparation for students planning to pursue professional, MA/MS, and/or PhD degrees in business, development studies, divinity, law, psychology, sociology, urban planning, and other social sciences.

Message from Sociology Faculty

We have an excellent sociology program at TSU. If you decide that sociology is the major for you, we are confident that you will enjoy being a major in this department. The professors are excellent, the courses interesting and relevant, and the department congenial. If, however, you decide on another major, why not consider sociology as a second major, a minor, or alternatively, follow your interests by taking some of our courses? Do not hesitate to contact faculty if you have specific questions about the courses in the program.

ANS3:Like anthropology, economics, political science, and psychology, sociology is a social science. ... When we say that sociology is a social science, we mean that it uses the scientific method to try to understand the many aspects of society that sociologists study


I hope it will help you✌

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