1. Explain the role of a) Rhizobium in soil b) Litmus from lichens
a) Rhizobium in soil converts the nitrogen in the air for the plants. It also helps the pea plant in symbiotic relationship.
b) Litmus from lichens is use to test whether a substance is acidic or basic.
Rhizobium in soil
Rhizobium is a bacterium found in soil that helps in fixing nitrogen in leguminous plants. It attaches to the roots of the leguminous plant and produces nodules. These nodules fix atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into ammonia that can be used by the plant for its growth and development.
b. Litmus form lichens
Litmus is a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from lichens. It is often absorbed onto filter paper to produce one of the oldest forms of pH indicator, used to test materials for acidity.