1. Explain the various steps involved in audio recording and reproduction?
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sound recording, transcription of vibrations in air that are perceptible as sound onto a storage medium, such as a phonograph disc. In sound reproduction the process is reversed so that the variations stored on the medium are converted back into sound waves.
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Steps that are involved in audio recording and reproduction:
There are many steps that are involved in audio recording and reproduction of audio some of the important ones are:
1st step: it includes pre-production
- In this step you make sure all your assets are working properly
- you find a melody and list down any ideas you have for the song
- in this step you start from scratch and work your way by listening to similar genre songs and popular songs
2nd step: Recording
- after you are done with the pre-production work you move on to recording
- in this stage you try to record the actual song by creating a sound for it
- you make various tracks in the recording you are working with a producer
3rd step: Editing
- in this stage you work on the lyrics and fix inconsistencies
- it also includes adding extra sound to make them sound better
- it includes special effects also
4th step: Vocals
- vocals are the most important part of song production
- if the vocals are weak the listener will tend to get bored of the song or else forget how the song sounded
- in the vocals stage you hire a good voice and record the songs with the sounds and lyrics
5th step: Mixing and Mastering
- mixing is the producer's job to do
- this involves bouncing the song into digital forms
- mastering is the final step
- mastering includes making sure the song is at its highest possible quality
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