Math, asked by sarikanitinambare, 11 months ago

1. Express the given daily life statements as integers.
a. Temperature 30°C below 0°C
b. A rise of 50 in the Gas bill
Profit of 500
e. Petrol price decreased by 5.
g. Kite is flying at a height of 200 m from
the ground.
i. *2000 deposited in the bank
d. Decrease in weight by 10 kg
f. Anil's height increased by 1 ft in 2 years.
h. Submarine is at a depth of 150 m in the
ocean below the sea level.
j. 5000 withdrawn from the bank​


Answered by suryapemmada

Justice of this country is not just a good idea to start with a few things to make up the following rational numbers with out actual division 151 the decimal form of the following rational numbers with out actual division 124 to prove that startch is present in a few

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