1) few lines about sociel reforms and changes done by them and societies Or samaj formed by them.
-eg- roy mohan roy
and dayamand saraswati
Through Brahmo Samaj, Raja Ram Mohan Roy raised his voice against the caste system, polygamy, child marriage, infanticide, untouchability, seclusion of women and Purdah system. Brahmo Samaj attacked the age-old social taboos and tried to make Indian society more secular than before.
Social Reforms made by Raja Ram Mohan Roy
His reforms have been discussed below:
Abolition of Sati:
Voice against idolatry:
Champion of Women Liberty:
Opposition to Caste System:
Advocate of Western Education:
Father of Indian Journalism:
Admiring his writings Robert Rickards remarked:
Some of the reformers took up the challenges to eradicate the caste system, to introduce the girl's education, promote widow remarriage, eradicate child marriage, provide education to all, and protect the rights of the people.