English, asked by divyashaijutp, 5 hours ago

1. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
..worst movie we had eve
1. Last night, we had been to ____party._____ food was very bad
2)We saw____
movie last Sunday. It was_____worst movie we had ever seen
3)Mrs Ann is____
English teacher. She is____best teacher in our school
4. I turned on_____
radio to listen to _____news
5. This is _____
new mall in this town.____
mall has_____shopping section,movie theatre and
____ice-cream parlour.
6. We bought_____second hand car last week.Unfortunately_____car
broke down after two days.
7)____Wright Brothers invented______
first aeroplane.
8)My grandfather had
.. heart attack .
... heart attack has ____ hart attack._____hart attack made
him very weak.
9. I went on
______luxury cruise to
______ exotic location. But
bad weather ruined
_____ bad weather ruined _____entire trip.
10. I sent him_____
email, but_____
mail didn't reach him
I wonder if ____
address was wrong.​


Answered by amalfathima54


1 - a party , the food

2 - a movie last , the worst movie

3 - an English , the best

4 - the radio , the news

5 -a new ,the mall , has a shopping , an iconic cream ,

6 - a second , the car

7 - the wright , the

8 -had a ,the heart attack

9 -on a luxury ,the exotic , the bad , the entire

10 - an email , the mail , the address

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