Science, asked by vismithaprasad44807, 6 days ago

1. Find and write about any 10 great inventions. It must include;

• Name of the invention.

• Year when it was invented.

• Name of the scientist.

• Contribution or how it has helped mankind to improve

his everyday life.​


Answered by kirnarani84


1. The electric furnace (1889) It was “the only means for commercially producing Carborundum (the hardest of all manufactured substances).” The electric furnace also converted aluminum “from a merely precious to very useful metal” (by reducing it’s price 98 percent), and was “radically transforming the steel industry.”

2. The steam turbine, invented by Charles Parsons in 1884 and commercially introduced over the next 10 years. A huge improvement in powering ships, the more far-reaching use of this invention was to drive generators that produced electricity.

3. The gasoline-powered automobile. Many inventors worked toward the goal of a “self-propelled” vehicle in the 19th century. Wyman gave the honor specifically to Gottleib Daimler for his 1889 engine, arguing: “a century's insistent but unsuccessful endeavor to provide a practical self-propelled car proves that the success of any type that once answered requirements would be immediate. Such success did come with the advent of the Daimler motor, and not before.”

4. The moving picture. Entertainment always will be important to people. “The moving picture has transformed the amusements of the multitude.” The technical pioneer he cited was Thomas Edison.

5. The airplane. For “the Realization of an age-long dream” he gave the laurels of success to the Wright brothers, but apart from its military use reserved judgment on the utility of the invention: “It presents the least commercial utility of all the inventions considered.”

6. Wireless Telegraphy. Systems for transmitting information between people have been around for centuries, perhaps millennia. Telegraph signals got a speed boost in the U.S. from Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. Wireless telegraphy as invented by Guglielmo Marconi, later evolving into radio, set information free from windows.

7. The cyanide process. Sounds toxic, yes? It appears on this list for only one reason: It is used to extract gold from ore. “Gold is the life blood of trade,” and in 1913 it was considered to be the foundation for international commerce and national currencies.

8 and 9 and 10 you do your self

main likhte likhte thak gayi hu!!!!

Answered by amalabuzar69


1. John Logie Baird - invented television on 26th January 1926

2. Thomas Edison - invented light bulb on 27th January 1880

3. Alexander Graham Bell - invented telephone in 1876

4. Jacob W. Davis - invented jeans in 1873

5. Antoine-Joseph Sax - invented saxophone in 1846

6. The Wright brothers - invented airplane on 17th December 1903

7. Karl Benz - invented car in 1885

8. William Sturgeon - invented compass more than 2000 years ago

9. Hans Lippershey - invented telescope in 1608

10. Edward Jenner -invented vaccination


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