Math, asked by biswanathbehera161, 5 months ago

1) Find three solutions of linear equation 7x – 5y – 35 in two variables.

2) Give equations of two lines on the same plane which are intersecting at point (2, 3).

3) After 5 years, the age of father will be two times the age of his son. Write a linear equation

in two variables to represent this statement.

4) A part of monthly expenses of a family on milk is fixed which 700 is and the remaining

varies with the quantity of milk taken extra at the rate of 25 per litre. Taking the quantity

of milk required extra as x litre and total expenditure on milk is . Y. Write a linear

equation representing the above information.

5) Check which of the following is (are) the solution(s) of the equation 3y – 2x = 1.

6) Find the value of k for which the point (-1, 3) lies on the graph of the equation

2x – y + k = 0

7) He If x = 2 and y = 1 is the solution of the linear equation 2x + 3y + k = 0, find the value of


8) Express y in terms of x from the equation 3x +2y = 8 and check whether the point (4, -2)

lies on the line.

9) Express y in terms of x in equation 2x – 3y = 12. Find the points where the line represented

by this equation cuts x – axis and y – axis.

10) The point (3, 4) lies on the graph of the equation 3y = ax + 7. Find the value of ‘a’

11) Find the co – ordinates of points where the graph of the equation 4x + 3y = 12 intersects

x – axis and y – axis.

12) Find the value of k so that x = -1 and y = -1 is a solution of the linear equation

9kx + 12ky = 63.

13) Find the point at which the equation 3x – 2y = 6 meets the x – axis.

14) If the point (2k -3, k + 2) lies on the graph of the equation 2x + 3y + 15 = 0, find value of k.

15) Express y in terms of x, given that 2x – 5y = 7. Check whether point (-3, -2) is on the given





yes -3,-2 on the point we have to express y in tearms of x

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