1. From which part of the Jute plant, Jute fibres are obtained?
2. What are ingredients?
3. Does everyone around you get enough food to eat? If not, why?
4. Explain the process of making yarn from fibre.
5. Draw a neat labelled diagram of “Parts of a plant”.
Ans1... Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant (Corchorus capsularis) and to a lesser extent from tossa jute (C. olitorius). It is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called the Golden Fibre.
1. Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant (Corchorus capsularis) and to a lesser extent from tossa jute (C. olitorius). It is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called the Golden Fibre.
2. An ingredient is a substance that forms part of a mixture (in a general sense). For example, in cooking, recipes specify which ingredients are used to prepare a specific dish. Many commercial products contain secret ingredients that are purported to make them better than competing products.