1. Games and sports are a great way of bonding over a common
goal. Do you agree? How do games and sports bring people
yes, Sport creates conversations by providing a common ground, and a unified sense of purpose. A love of the game and the passion brought to the field forges bonds between players. Heroes are created in sport and can become positive role models for the team and wider community
Games and sports are a vital part of life for people to open up and share what's going on in that sport. They have a common goal and play together. Just like cricket, football, soccer, etc. They're played in teams and need a very strong teamwork to win. Every player in the field has a goal, and it is to win. A loss and their carrier maybe over. So, teamwork is a necessity in every sport. From a small race like relay to a big sport like football, each of them need great team efforts for winning. To hold the trophy in the hands, you must win. And to do that the teamwork should be srong. Most of all, they should trust one another and play like its their first and last match in the field. Thus, Games and sports are a great way of bonding over a common goal and I totally agree on it!
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