1. Give one word answer:
i. What is the file extension of an image in GIMP
Which tool will you use to apply gradient of colors in an image in GIMP?
11. What is the keyboard shortcut to activate the Free Select tool?
iv. Which tool allows change brightness of a picture in GIMP?
v. Which menu in GIMP contains the Clone option?
vi. Which tool allows resizing a layer?
vii. Which menu in GIMP contains the Feather option?
viii. Rahul is working on a set of images. He would like to create multiple copies of the same
ix.image. Which tool should he use?
Aman is creating a poster for sports day using GIMP. He wants to have multi-colored
xi. background in poster. Which tool should he use for this purpose?
xii. Which medium transfers information over the atmosphere without using any physical
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1) i) .xcf
Bro You should post 1 question at a time. Thats a rule in brainly (Which no one actually follows). But ya....
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