Biology, asked by cblankenship23, 8 months ago

1. Give three examples of ways in which biology can help inform everyday decisions.
2. Give three examples of ways in which biology can help inform everyday decisions.
3. What are some of the unanswered questions in biology?


Answered by shabanbegam143


Scientists disagree on whether genetically modified foods are safe to eat. What type of scientific evidence would be needed to show that a genetically modified food is unsafe?

Yes, because what we're dealing with is the introduction of new genetic foods that have genes that code for proteins that we've never consumed. The fact is, we know that with traditional foods, 8 percent of children and 2 percent of adults have allergenic reaction to traditional foods. We spent a long part of our history testing various things we could eat, and a lot of people have died as part of this grand experiment to see what we could consume... Even the Food and Drug Administration, in internal documents by their own scientists that were forced out in a lawsuit, suggested that these foods could pose some potentially serious allergenic and toxic reactions among consumers. The American public is not aware that there might be potential allergenic and toxic reactions. . . . With regular food, at least people know which foods they have an allergy to. People know if they have an allergenic reaction to peanuts, for example. Here, you don't know, because the foods aren't labeled. Because these genes that they're placing in the foods have never been tested in the human diet, it's one big health roulette gamble. Long-term feeding trials comparing health of animals that do and don't eat GM foods. The best evidence will be collected over time with humans. Over several years, there will be more data about the health of people who eat GM foods compared with people who do not.

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