1. Given below are sets of terms. In each casc arrange and rewrite each set in correct
order in a logical sequence: -
1. Metaphase, Interphase, Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase,
2. Posterior vena cava, Renal artery, Aorta, renal vein, Kidney,
3. Synapse, Axon ending. Cyton, Node of Ranvier, Dendrite
4. Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Nucleoplasm, Cell wall, Nuclear membrane,
5. Liver, Aoria, Hepatic vein, Hepatic portal vein, Stomach,
6. Sensory nerye, Dorsal root ganglion, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Receptor.
7. Renal vein, Renal artery. Afferent arteriole, Efferent arteriole, Glomerulus.
8. Ellector, Sensory neuron, Receptor, Motor neuron, Stimulus, Central nervous system,
9. Intestine, liver, Intestinal artery, Hepatic vein, Hepatic portal vein,
10.Lymph nodes, Anterior veins, Tissue fluid, Lymph vessels.
11. Right auricle, Left ventricle, Vena cuiva, Pulmonary vein, Lungs, Right ventricle,
Pulmonary anery, Aorta, Loft auricle
12. Fibrin, Platelets, Thromboplastin, Fibrinogen, Thrombin
13. Receptor, Spinal cord, ElTector, Motor neuron, Sensory neuron.
14.Stimulus, Response, Receptor, ElTector, Spinal cord.
15. Artery, Capillaries, Venul, Voin, Arteriole.
16.G1 - Phase, Karyokinesis, S-Phase, Cytokinesis, G2-Phase.
17. Diencephalon, Cerebellum, Medulla oblongata, Pons, Cerebrum, Mid brain
18. Renal artery, Urethru, Ureter, Kidney, Urinary bladder
19 Efferent arteriole, Renal vein, Capillary network, Glomerulus, Afferent arteriole
A good revision of human physiology.
●Hopefully this will help you.
1. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase (sequence of cell division)
2. Aorta, Renal Artery, Kidney, Renal Vein, Posterior venacava (blood circulation from heart to kidney)
3. Dendrite, cyton, node of ranvier, axon ending, synapse (arrival of signals in nerve cell)
4. cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm (layers from outside to inside cell)
5. Aorta, stomach, hepatic portal vein, liver, hepatic vein (digestive pathway through liver)
6. Receptor, sensory neuron, dorsal root ganglion, motor neuron (reflex action)
7. Renal artery, afferent arteriole, Glomerulus ,efferent arteriole, Renal vein (blood filtration in kidney)
8. Stimulus, receptor, sensory neuron, central nervous system, motor neuron, effector (action activity)
9. intestinal artery, Intestine, hepatic portal vein, liver, hepatic vein (transportation of digested food)
10. Anterior veins, tissue fluid, lymph vessels, lymph nodes (lymphatic system)
11. right auricle, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary vein, left auricle, left ventricle, aorta (pulmonary circulation)
12. platelets, thromboplastin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin
(clotting mechanism)
13. Receptor, sensory neuron, spinal cord, motor neuron, effector (spinal reflex)
14. stimulus, receptor, spinal cord, effector, response (spinal reflex)
15. Artery, arteriole, capillaries, venule, vein (capillaries formation)
16. G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, karyokinesis, cytokinesis (cell division sequence)
17. Cerebrum, diencephalon, Mid brain, Cerebellum, pons, M.O (Brain part sequence)
18. Renal artery, Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra (excretory system sequence)
19. Afferent arteriole, Glomerulus, capillary network, efferent arteriole, Renal vein (nephron parts sequence)