1) Hari Singh is both a thief and human being. Explain.
2) How does the necklace change the course of the Loisel's life?
2 Cynlain the qualities of the port office
1) Hari Singh is a notorious thief who has the art of convincing people with his words to earn trust and cheat them. Eventhough Anil treated him well as a friend rather than an employer, Hari singh stole anil's money and made his way to escape.While escaping if he had wished he could have gone forever with the stolen money but he felt guilty of his act. His humane heart, feeling for fellow human beings is exhibited when he returns the money secretly. Every human commits mistake but the good soul is the one who rectifies it. Hari Singh resembles the good soul.
2) Loisel fell into an debt trap.She now used to wash clothes and cooking.Because as same as her status one lady would do this all work.People try to live within their sources.Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realites.
Only because of necklace and showing off, Loisel fell in a debt trap which forced her to live like an ordinary lower middle class housewife. She started doing all the household chores which a lady of her status normally does not do. Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realities.
3) The post office employees in the chapter A LETTER TO GOD showcase the quality of 'humanity' . They , despite of knowing who Lencho was , and what was his intention , decided to help him by lending him the money they could possibly collect. They showed an amiable and a truly amicable character by offering a hand of help to the storm- struck and grief-stricken Lencho. They show that good-willness/humanity is the fire that can be hidden but never extinguished.