(1) hindered
(ii) considerable
(iii) co-ordination
(iv) co-curricular
2. Read the passage carefully:
The youth is a dynamo, an ocean, an inexhaustible reservoir of energy. But this
energy cannot be kept caged in prison. Its basic nature is to flow, to express
itself. The youth energy on the basis of the nature of its expression can be
divided into four categories.
The vast majority of the youth today is with the establishment, whose formula
of life is 'learn, earn, burn and enjoy'. It means learn to operate the modern
devices and employ them to earn the maximum amount of wealth to the point
of burning the natural resources of the earth, as well as yourself out, and then
enjoy your own funeral. This category of youth is intelligent, skilful and
hardworking but it lacks insight and foresight. They are self-indulgent and
any sense of moral code of conduct is alien to their nature. Neither are they
able to see in depth, to find out whether there is a deeper meaning and
purpose to their human life, nor have they, the capacity to look beyond the tips
of their nose to find out the consequences of their way and approach, where it
is leading them to. They are the ends into themselves and enjoyment is the
motto of their life
The second category of youth in nature and approach is the same but as it is
less privileged and less qualified and skilled; it has lesser opportunities for
earning and enjoying Such youth may be incited to be against the
establishment. This opposition takes various forms. When it is well-organized
and systemic it may take the form of political opposition and even go to the
extent of expressing itself in unjust ways. When the opposition is not so
intense and organized, it remains contended with giving verbal expression to
its resentment periodically. The youth of the above two categories need to be
shown the right path to positively channelize their energy.
The third section of youth is a sober and thoughtful class of people, which
objectively observes and studies the phenomenon of development of the
world. These youth find that man in his insatiable thirst for consumption has
become blind and lost the sense of distinction between milk and blood. Today
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man in his mad rush for exploitation is sucking the blood of Mother Earth;
leading to their destruction and is thereby digging his own grave. This
responsible category of young people is looking for an alternative mode of
development based on co-operation between man and man. This
development based on mutual love, friendship and harmony is not only
sustainable but leading to endless prosperity mutually. To bring about his
natural revolution from death-movement to life-movement is the aim of this
The fourth and most vital group of youth which is going to steer humanity
into the third millennium and act as the pioneer for the future development of
planetary life is engaged in evolving a new way of life and releasing a new
principle of global consciousness through a fundamental research in the
science of life. The science of life is a new branch of knowledge which takes
the whole man into account without dividing him into subjective and
objective halves of spirituality and physicality and does not treat him either as
a refined (thinking) animal or an ethereal entity, having its base in some other
non-physical world. It rather, recognizes man as a basic unit of conscious life
which has got immense, practically inexhaustible, possibilities and
potentialities for evolution, development and growth,
As per the Vedic formula, man is the micro-cosmos and his fullest flowering
and enfoldment lies in his identification with the cosmos.
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