CBSE BOARD X, asked by sanjanasanju01, 10 months ago

1. how are involuntary actions different from reflex actions
2. what happens to the sinapse between two neurones


Answered by Blipblop

1. Involuntary actions are controlled by the brain whereas reflex actions are controlled by the spinal cord.

2.once the electric signal reaches the end of the neuron it releases some chemicals which cross the synapse and starts a similar electrical impulse in the next neuron.

Answered by ananyajoy1234

1.        involuntary action is the set of muscle movement which do not require thinking. But it is controlled by brain for example beating of heart beat. While on the other hand, the reflex action is rapid and spontaneous action in response to any stimulus which doesn't involve brain.

2.        synapse is the gap between nerve ending of one neuron and dendrites of another. At synapse, the electrical impulse generated at dendrites of a neuron is passed on to dendrite of another neuron in the form of chemicals by on ending of the first neuron. Synapse ensures that nerve impulse travels only in one direction. A similar synapse allows the delivery of impulse from the neuron to the other cells, like muscle cells.

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