1) how can we locate diractions on a map ? 2) what are the adbantages of a mariner's compass. answer both
1)North, South, East, and West are the four main "cardinal" directions. On a map, North is at the top, South at the bottom, West to the left, and East to the right. Every map has a Map Scale which relates distance on the map to the world 2)A magnetic compass is also used to find the north. The needle of the magnetic compass always points towards north-south direction. This compass is also called mariner's compass and it is used by mariner's to find direction while sailing
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In India, according to List II, Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, 1950 ‘Police’ and ‘Public order’ fall under State List meaning thereby that the State has the power and primary responsibility to legislate for the purpose of detection, investigation, and prevention of crimes. There are various methods used by the police during criminal investigation one being drawing of spot maps. Spot map refers to the physical location of the crime scene for directions, objects, the position of exhibits, measurements etc. It is also referred to as sketch map, site map and scene mahazar which are used interchangeably. It plays a very important role in the investigation done by the police officers as it helps the parties in a trial to understand the facts in an objective manner.
The British enacted Police Act, 1861 wherein according to Section 46, the scope and applicability of the legislation is limited to the discretion of the State Government. Furthermore, the State Governments enact its own legislation by way of rules, manuals, statutes and police orders. Every State instructs its police officers for creating spot map through manuals, handbooks and regulations as there is no specific substantive provision for it. According to the Jharkhand Police Manual, the police officers can create the spot map at their discretion, if required and attach it to the case diary. The person making it is required to sign on it and his name is to be added in the list of witnesses. Additionally, the Odisha police issued an order after noticing failure on part of the investigating officers to prepare spot maps elaborately explaining on how to draw the maps so that it can be effectively used in criminal investigations. It is pertinent to note that evidentiary value of spot map is purely hearsay under Section 60 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and cannot be used as evidence in the absence of examination of the person who is alleged to have given information recorded in the map. In Mohanan v. the State of Kerela, the Hon’ble High Court set aside the conviction of the accused as the Sessions court, relying solely on scene mahazar/spot map and F.I R., held .
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