Science, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

1. How can you say that forests are biosphere reserves ? Given reasons.

2. Explain the terms

i. Extinct
ii. Endangered
iii. Endemic


Answered by Mysterioushine



Forests are the natural habitats for many types of plants(flora) and animals (fauna). Products like rubber timber , fibres , resins are obtained from plants. The skin of animals like lion , tiger , deer , snakes and ivory from elephants are obtained.



i. Extinct : Speicies of plants and animals that have vanished on the earth forever.

Example : Dodo , Dinosaurs

ii. Endangered : Plants and animal species that are on the verge of becoming extinct are called endangered .

Example : Red Fox , Vulture , etc

iii. Endemic : Plants (or) animal species found restricted to a particular area of a country are called endemic species .

Example : Kangaroo-Australia , Kiwi-Newzealand.

Answered by ayushi132008


Q1) Because a biosphere reserve is a large multipurpose protected area for conservation of wildlife , plant and animal resources , and the same functionality is provided by the forest. Thus, we can say that forest are biosphere reserves.

Q2) i) Extinct - (A species , family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members ; no longer in existence.

ii) Endangered - Seriously at a risk of existence .

iii) Endemic - (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.


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