English, asked by vitalkundgol, 4 days ago

1 How did the man 'buy' peace finally?
2 How was appointed the chair person of the commission of enquiry?
3 In the school boy learnings bower refer to _________ a) Tree .b)Teacher c) school
4) what drives the boy's joy away?
5) who do you think 'I' refer to in the poem 'The school boy?
6) What does the cage stand for the poem the school boy ?
6 How do little once spend the doy in the school ?
6 How for was the big city from the Narrator's home town ?
7 For money people would do any thing even_________
8 What was narrator Doing to earn a living ?
9 what reason did the narrator give for sleeping all day having food the evening ?
10 How wait money did the narrator have in his pocket as his life's sawing ?
11 Where doe's Babar Ali Rana classes for poor children ?
12 Give a picture of Babar Ali's school ?
13 How does the speaker want to be I the poem if I was tree ?
14 How many god's well living in the sacked cow ?
15 When does the sacked cow scar and her body on the bark ?
16 Why is sending children to school is a costly after for parents ?
17 Why was the head man is the hug to complete the load work?


Answered by kv292298


1. The man built a hut big enough to accommodate all the animals and when on the animals got inside the hut and started fighting among themselves, be Brunt the hut along with all the lords of the jungle.

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