How do rhizobium bacteria and leguminous plants help each other in their
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This positive relationship is known as SYMBIOSIS or MUTUALISM wherein both the organisms are equally benefited. It is also known as give and take relationship.
Rhizobium leguminosarum helps the plant in biological fixation of Nitrogen ; a very important element for living beings.
In return,the leguminous plants such as pea,gram,soyabean,etc. provide it with shelter and nutrients.
In Symbiotic relationship two living organisms live together and are mutually benefited.1.Rhizobium 2.Higher plant legumes.In this kind of relationship both the partners get benefited.Rhizobium is hetrotrophic Bacterium could not synthesis it's own food by photosynthesis because it does not have chlorophyll..Hence the bacterium takes the food prepared by the Fabaceae plant and in turn the bacterium fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the legume plants in the root modules .Both the organisms are mutually benefited .
Rhizobium gives nitrogenous components to leguminous plants as it is a nitrogen fixing bacteria.Leguminous plants gives nutrients to the bacteria in the form of organic acids. Thus, they help mutually (symbiotic relationship).