1. How do you keep yourself healthy? (Body care, healthy eating habits, Mental health) 2. How would you maintain hygiene? 3. In these days, of the pandemic, what precautionary measures should you follow in order to keep yourself safe. 4. You are not allowed to visit your friends and relatives, and also attend your school, how do you overcome this problem? How do you cope with the lack of social interaction? 5. How do you keep yourself preoccupied and avoid thinking of the parties you used to attend and the vacations you used to take with your family?
1.i. Be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week.
ii. Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
iii. Avoid injury by wearing seatbelts and bike helmets, using smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the home, and using street smarts when walking alone.
2.Bathe regularly. Wash your body and your hair often. ...
Trim your nails. Keeping your finger and toenails trimmed and in good shape will prevent problems such as hangnails and infected nail beds. ...
Sleep tight.
3.Authorized COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you from COVID-19.
You should get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you.
If you are not fully vaccinated and aged 2 or older, you should wear a mask in indoor public places.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
If possible, maintain 6 feet between the person who is sick and other household members.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
4.Chatting and telling your feelings..
5. Think about the junk food at the parties.