CBSE BOARD XII, asked by kisen9612692674, 7 months ago

1. How does the convict describe life in prison?

2. How does the bishop save the convict from the police?​


Answered by mdfaizanmomin12


The Bishop saved the convict by telling the police that the silver candlesticks were given to the convict by him as a gift. It was the point which transformed him and he became a “man” again. Finally, he was blessed by the Bishop.

Answered by Sujeetkuverma


1.Life imprisonment is any sentence of imprisonment for a crime under which convicted people are to remain in prison either for the rest of their natural lives or until pardoned, paroled or otherwise commuted to a fixed term.

2.The Bishop saved the convict by telling the police that the silver candlesticks were given to the convict by him as a gift. It was the point which transformed him and he became a “man” again. Finally, he was blessed by the Bishop.

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