English, asked by dashsonali631, 8 months ago

1. How is 'woods' different from 'forest'?
2. Where does the rider stop?
3. Why does he stop?
4. "He will not see me stopping here" - what does this expression mean?
5. Why does the horse give his harness bells a shake?
6. What is the only other sound' besides that of harness bells?
7. Why does the poet use the expressions "dark", "deep", "darkest"?
8. How do the speaker, the owner of the woods and the horse react to the beauties
of nature?
9. What picture of natural beauty do you get from the poem?
10. In the final stanza, the speaker says that he is not yet ready to "sleep". What
has he to do before he can take rest?
11. What does the expression, "The darkest evening of the year", suggest ?
Does it mean the longest night of the year or the most depressing state
of his mind'? Give a reasoned answer.
12. A four-line stanza is called a quatrain. How many quatrains are there in the


Answered by ismilesk253


how long this question are baap

Answered by surendrasoren546


How is wood different from forest

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