1.how many ways are there for windows 7 to connect to internet ? describe all of them
2.can we connect to internet in windows 7 via wifi ?
describe in more than 60 words. if 60 words are not there answer will be deleted
1. In Windows 7 we can connect to internet by many ways such as Lan are are commonly known as Ethernet,Via wifi if Dongle is present,USB tethering. after choosing the way to share internet on Windows 7 we have to connect to the proper ID or enter the password for Wi-Fi or let's say the Ethernet must be configured .
2. yes we can connect to internet through Wi-Fi in Windows 7 and it is available if you have a dongle in your PC or if your laptop is recent which has a good modern to receive Wi-Fi and you are good to go you can connect to to internet through Wi-Fi all you need to do is to configure the Wi-Fi by entering the IP address of the router given at the back of it and enter the user id and password after that configuring the Wi-Fi through the WAN we can use internet seamlessly depending on the speed of service provider.
Internet can be connected to any device with the help of cables as well as wireless. Internet connection can be also created by us in our home. Internet is simply a connection of 2 network devices. Internet can be connected to any computer and smartphones easily.
Windows 7 supports many ways to connect our computer and laptop with internet. There are normally 2 ways to connect any computer with internet. First is, Via cables and second method is Wireless. We can connect our phones and devices with computers wireless easily.
Here is how to connect your computer with internet:-
- Router connection: This is the easiest method to connect our computers with internet. For connecting our computers to routers, we have to simply go in market and buy Wi-fi hotspot. After buying it, There is a USB type port at backside of our CPU. So, attach it there. After attaching, there is a disc which you will get with wi-fi hotspot. So, install it. After installing it, your computer will be able to connect with any router or mobile hotspot.
- Broadband connection: You can connect your computer with the help of broadband.. For this, you will have to simply book a broadband connection to your home, Broadband connection office will give some internet cables to our home. We can connect that cables with our computers and enjoy the internet connection.
Nowadays, CPUs are very advanced. Because of which, there is no need to buy interdependently a wifi hotspot to connect our PC. Computers can be connected with internet through VPN too.