1. How sound is produced? 2. What do you understand by a ‘wave’? 3. Write three differences between sound and light waves. 4. What do you understand by “sound energy cannot be produced”? 5. What is the name of the wave that can travel through vacuum? 6. Explain by some experiment that sound waves require medium for their propagation. 7. How sound waves travel through some medium? 8. Why sound waves do not propagate through vacuum? 9. What are the transverse waves? Give two examples. 10. What are longitudinal waves? Give two examples. 11. Give two points of difference between longitudinal and transverse waves. 12. How will you prove that the sound waves exhibit longitudinal behaviour? 13. What are rarefaction and compression in case of sound waves? 14. Distinguish between crests and troughs. 15. Write the SI unit of velocity of a wave. 16. What are the factors that describe the sound wave and define them? 17 Why is a thundering sound heard later than lightening? 18. Sound travels with different speeds in different media. Comment. 19. How far is a compression and its nearest rarefaction in a longitudinal wave? 20. Define sound ranging. 21. What is the frequency range of sound for human beings? 22. What are the ultrasonic and supersonic waves? 23. What type of waves are produced by animals like bats and dolphins? 24. Explain two applications of ultra sound waves? 25. Explain how ultrasound waves are used to detect a flaw in an object? 26. Which sound wave is used in ECG (echocardiography)? 27. Give the full form of SONAR. 28. Name the technique used to measure the depth of a sea. 29. How will you determine the depth of a sea using SONAR? 30. How do the bats fly in dark? 31. How RADAR is different from SONAR? 32. Explain the function of ear by explaining its each part.
1.Sound is produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in air are called traveling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. Sound waves consist of areas of high and low pressure called compressions and rarefactions, respectively.
2.Waves are characterized by wavelength, frequency, and the speed at which they move. Waves are found in many forms.
3.difference between sound waves and light waves sound waves need a material medium for the propagation light. waves do not need a material medium for their propagation they can travel even through vacuum sound. ... waves are transverse sound waves have a very low speed of about 350 meters per second in air at room.
4.it means it can not produced as energy can neither b created nor b destroyed but can b transformed from or form to other .but by doing some mechanical work or other type of energy transformation.
5. Electromagnetic waves are waves which can travel through the vacuum of outer space. Mechanical waves, unlike electromagnetic waves, require the presence of a material medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another.
6. A sound wave needs a medium to travel. A sound wave travels in the form of a longitudinal wave and it requires a material medium for its propagation. Sound always originates from some vibrating body. ... The bell jar experiment is a common experiment used to demonstrate that sound needs a medium to travel.