English, asked by anuchand73, 7 months ago

1) Human life is dependent on nature (that's why we call her Mother Nature.) We take
everything from nature to live our lives. Do we give back anything to nature?
(i)Write down some examples of the natural resources we use.
(ii)Write a paragraph expressing your point of view regarding our relationship with nature.​


Answered by avitaylor101


yeah , we human are directly depends to nature and among both of we, we have intellectual relationship ...if the nature is being disturb by human then it's directly makes negative effects on we living being , if the human are disturb means again the nature will be disturb ..

There are various types of natural resources which we use in our daily life for our survival ..

  • List yourself some basic natural resources and explain it ..

thank you

Answered by Anuchand146

Hope this is helpful to you. ✌️✌️✌️

Please Mark as Brainlliest answer.


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Nature is essential to our lives – from the food on our plates to the clothes we wear, from medicines to mental health benefits.

By Paul de Zylva | 24 Aug 2018 | 6 min

Are you getting enough nature?

It’s easy to think nature will always be with us. But even in my lifetime, birds like starlings and house sparrows have declined so much they’re now listed as endangered.

In fact, nature is faring worse in the UK than in most other countries. The latest State of Nature report shows that over half our wild species – plants, insects, birds, mammals – are in decline.

Read on to find out more about nature. But before you do, we've got a special ask. Doubling the amount of tree cover in the UK will massively help British wildlife. More trees will also help us tackle the climate emergency because they absorb the planet-warming pollutants, like carbon dioxide. Please sign our petition to double tree cover in the UK. Thank you.

A starling and a house sparrow perched on a gate

A starling and a house sparrow perched on a gate

Credit: istock

Overlooking the importance of nature, as we go about our busy lives, makes it easier for it to disappear right in front of our eyes.

It was great to see so many of you at Chris Packham's People’s Walk for Wildlife  on Saturday 22 September. It was an important event to help us bring attention to the plight of wildlife across the UK. To bring back nature, we need to show people what they're losing.

Here's Chris Packham thanking Friends of the Earth and our supporters for getting behind his wildlife work:

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