English, asked by AllwinMass, 5 months ago

1. if I were a spider L_ (weave) webs.
2. If we (select) story books for kids
if we all got time for story telling -
3. if I had won the lottery! _(donate)
relief materials for the flood victim.
4. if I had four hands l_(finish) the
work in time
5. Jayashree would travel to France if she
6. Vijay will be busy if his relatives
7. Arun will not go to play if he (be)
8. if I (win) that match I would quit my
9.if I wanted anything (buy it.
10.I think if I had not driven so fast!
(slied not) into the tree
3:03 PM​


Answered by saisujana10052005


  1. will weave
  2. selected
  3. would donate
  4. will finish
  5. plans
  6. come
  7. was
  8. won
  9. bought it
  10. would not slide

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