English, asked by mitapanigrahi43, 6 months ago

1. If you catch the first bus, you caill get
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
there in time. (get)
2. If she
here, I will phone you. (come)
3. If you try again, you call be fumo succeed)
4. If you heat iron, it
5. We
ready if you come at five. (be)
6. If they
today I'll ring her up. (come)
7. I'll see him if I
free. (be)
we'll miss the train. (not, hurry)
8. If we​


Answered by kritidhanudharmi3


2 comes

3) nhi aata

4) expands

5) will be

6) will come

7) will be

8) dont hurry

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