Social Sciences, asked by ajamit2000, 7 months ago

1. Imagine you are an ancient man living all alone in a jungle and you are allowed
to keep only five things with you. What will be those things? Give one reason
for each selected item.
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Answered by aishanidutta


1. A weapon. It is required for offence and defense against wild animals.

2. Clothing (fur). It is required to keep the body warm and out of pnemonia

3. A source of food. Required for satisfaction of hunger

4. A source of water. Required for several activities such as bathing and drinking and cleaning etc.

5. Fire. Required for offense and defense and protection against things in the dark.

Answered by qwsuccess

The five things I would keep with me are a spear, a furry hide, a pair of stones, an antiseptic plant's leaves and a leather pouch for carrying water.

  • Spear- A spear was a useful weapon in ancient times to hunt animals. It could be thrown over long distances to bring down animals, even large ones like bulls. The killed animals could then be used for their meat and hide.

  • Furry hide- Since sunlight does not easily reach the base of the forest, nights could get incredibly cold. To prevent the risk of freezing or getting bitten by insects, One could cover oneself with a furry hide of an animal, much like modern people cover themselves with clothes.

  • Pair of stones- Two stones can be rubbed against each other to produce sparks, which can then be used to light a fire. This fire could be used for cooking food or keeping animals at bay. Hence, it would've been extremely important to carry a pair of stones.

  • Leaves of an antiseptic plant- Ancient people would've gotten nicks and cuts very frequently, which could get infected. To prevent such infections, the paste of the leaves of antiseptic plants could be used.

  • Leather pouch for water- Also known as a Mashak, it is used to store water so that there is an available supply of drinking water when one is not near a source of water in a jungle.


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