Computer Science, asked by s8170917599, 1 month ago

1. Importance of respect for your parents ​


Answered by aleenababu750


Aside from bringing you into the world, parents sacrifice time, energy, and effort in order to make sure your needs and wants are met. Showing them that you appreciate their efforts demonstrates a level of respect towards them.  

Do something small but meaningful. clean the kitchen after dinner or take the trash out without being asked. Parents will notice and appreciate your acts of kindness.

Respecting different opinions is a lifelong skill that is used in everything from politics to careers. Just because you choose to understand where your parents are coming from, does not mean that you lose your beliefs. Instead, looking at situations from their perspective can help both parties understand and accept a bit more about each other.

Ask your parents questions to learn more about them. Understand that your parents are from a different generation and a lot changes with time. Engaging them in conversation will help bridge the gap in order to understand each other better.

Keep a journal about your interactions with your parents. By re-reading a journal, you'll see things with more honesty instead of reinterpreting events in a way that benefits only you.

Talk to an unbiased party. Talking to someone who has nothing to gain can help you see things from others' perspectives, including that of your parents. Learning to see "where they are coming from" helps in building a mutually respectful relationship.

Value their wisdom. Wisdom is known as the ability to integrate knowledge and an understanding of life in order to tackle all of the uncertainties which may come your way. Believe it or not, much of what you have experienced as a child or teen, your parents have experienced as well. For this reason, it is important to recognize that they have knowledge and judgement which should be respected.

As an example, if you were to visit a doctor, you would want someone who had the experience and training to diagnose and treat your illness. The same is true for parents. Learning to see them as professionals at life will help you to develop a different level of respect for them.

Remember how much they love you. There is no way to put into numbers or percentages how much a parent loves a child. Not only do they give life to their children, but they raise them, provide them with guidance, help them overcome obstacles, give of themselves and love them unconditionally. As children, we often forget how much they have done in our lives. Taking a second to think of their love and support can help to build bonds of love and respect.

Recognize that when parents seem to be getting in your way, they are, but with good reason. Parents often act as a shield to protect their kids from anything they consider to be harmful.

Because parents love you they are concerned about your future success. When parents perceive your behavior as something that threatens to limit your potential achievement, it can often cause conflict in your relationship. Realize that it usually comes from a place of love.

Follow rules. As children, we often don't agree with the rules our parents have set, but we don't have the foresight to realize that the rules are in place for a reason. Rules matter because as people we are interdependent; when you disregard rules there are consequences which not only affect you, but others as well (including your parents). Following rules demonstrates to your parents that you respect their foresight and judgement.

Be clear about expectations. Know what your parents' rules are so you can avoid any confusion and avoid accidentally breaking rules.

Take a second to stop and think about the consequences. Think about what ripple effect your actions may have and how it will impact you and those around you. Ask yourself if it is really worth it.

Manners aren't just about which fork to use at the dinner table; manners demonstrate a sensitive awareness of others' feelings. Caring enough to be polite towards your parents, who you've known your entire life, shows a level of respect and reverence.

Say "please," and "thank you." Words are powerful and each of those words carries meaning. Aside from being polite, it shows a level of gratitude and appreciation which are both part of respecting your parents.

Watch your language. Be careful about the topics of conversations and your word choice around your parents. Parents always think of their children as their babies  They would prefer to see them through a clean and pure lens.

Spend time with them.

Take an interest in what your parents do in their spare time. Whether it's sports, dancing, music, or gardening, ask them questions and show them that you are taking an interest in them.

Make them a priority by choosing to spend time with them over your friends once in a while.

pls mark me as the brainliest

Answered by shrinivas34


sorry this answer i don't know

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