English, asked by vampire389, 11 months ago

1. In court, the accused .............. not guilty to all the charges.

a) was

b) claimed

c) pleaded

d) admitted

2. When learning a foreign language, keeping well-ordered vocabulary notes is .............

a) substantial

b) highest

c) uppermost

d) paramount.

3. Argentina, ............ is well-known for its mountains, is a very popular with ski-tourists.

a) who

b) that

c) whom

d) which

4. She certainly mentioned .............. Mark, but I don’t remember her ............. about Vicky.

a) seeing; talking

b) to have seen; to talk

c) to see; talk

d) to have seen; to have talked

5. This fish is .............. delicious.

a) really

b) completely

c) very

d) enough

6. They were on the .................. of folding the company when an investor saved the day with a large financial contribution.

a) edge

b) verge

c) basis

d) offchance

7. He wouldn't be so successful now if he ............ so hard when he was at school.

a) didn’t study

b) wouldn’t have studied

c) studied

d) hadn’t studied

8. Viewers were ............... at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes off the screen until the very end of the broadcast.

a) switched

b) stifled

c) devised

d) transfixed

9. By the time they .............. at the concert, the tickets were sold out.

a) got through

b) filled in

c) applied to

d) turned up

10. Allow me to be the first to ............. your stunning achievement.

a) tell you

b) congratulate you on

c) mention to you

d) comment your

11. I must get ......... - I can't use the internet at all.

a) fixed my computer

b) my computer fix

c) my computer fixed

d) fix my computer

12. Should any letters arrive while I’m away during the summer could you please ............... to me, as I’m trying to sort out a job for September.

a) send them on

b) send them away

c) send them out

d) send them in

13. He .............. gone to work yesterday. John was there all day and nobody saw him.

a) can’t have

b) mustn’t have

c) wasn’t have

d) must not have

14. The manager really wanted Anna to join the company; he believed she would be a valuable .................. to his team of sales people.

a) accumulation

b) supplement

c) addition

d) appendage

15. It's about time we .............. - it's nearly midnight.

a) to leave

b) leave

c) are leaving

d) left


Answered by Sara6000

plz mark as brainliest.

1. d
2. a
3. d
4. a
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